Sep 16, 2011

Everything's Coming Up Bacon

It's official. Sumo has become spoiled. It's my fault, too. I should have known it would happen. You can't make a man bacon for breakfast one day and then not expect him to want it for breakfast each day. Have I created a monster? A bacon-loving monster?

Anyway, I've been making him 2 slices of bacon with his breakfast each day for about 2 weeks now.  We were running low the other day, so I headed out to Giant. There I found Smithfield Bacon being sold at a significantly reduced price. Instead of their delicious pork-product costing $5.99, it was now only (gasp!) $3.99.

I knew what I needed to do. I needed to stock up. Pronto.

No I didn't go all crazy coupon lady on Giant, I didn't buy out the shelf, and I don't even have a bacon coupon. But I did buy a few packs of varying flavors.

I got Hometown Original Bacon, Naturally Hickory Smoked Thick Sliced Bacon, Naturally Hickory Smoked Cracked Peppercorn Coated Bacon, and Naturally Hickory Smoked Maple Flavored Bacon. Wow, I feel like Bubba, talking about his shrimp varieties.

Anyway, at 2 slices a day, 7 days a week...

Here's hoping Sumo's arteries don't clog.

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